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Parade History


The first Lynchburg Christmas Parade was held in 1959, hosted and named by the Lynchburg Jaycees. In 2003, The Fire Foundation (formerly the Lynchburg Fire & EMS Foundation) became the host of the annual event in an agreement with the Lynchburg Jaycees and the City of Lynchburg.

In 2013, the Fire Foundation and the City of Lynchburg officially granted the Retail Merchants Association & Foundation, the opportunity to serve as the host of the event.


Central Virginia Business Coalition

The Central Virginia Business Coalition (formerly Retail Merchants Association) is a trade association representing retailers and other businesses in Lynchburg, Bedford, Amherst, Campbell County and Appomattox.  Established August 14, 1907, CVABC promotes our business community in Lynchburg and surrounding areas by offering advertising, cost-saving support services, educational opportunities, and sponsorship of cultural activities.


CVABC provides legislative representation through our association with the Virginia Retail Merchants Association (VRMA), supporting reasonable and proper laws protecting the interests of member businesses. Special emphasis is directed towards fostering understanding of retailing, free trade, and free enterprise systems in order to provide laws that have a positive impact for business owners. Legislative representation is provided on a local, state and national level.

Central Virginia Business Coalition Mission
  • To promote the common interests of our member businesses in the greater Lynchburg area;

  • To educate consumers on the importance of buying local to ensure the quality, success and vitality of our community; and

  • To support reasonable and proper laws protecting the interests of businesses in Virginia. Special emphasis is directed towards fostering understanding of retailing, free trade, and free enterprise in order to provide laws that have a positive impact for business owners.

Benefits of CVABC Membership
  • Marketing Consultations

  • Co-op Advertising

  • Networking Opportunities

  • BUY LOCAL Campaign*

  • Online Courses, Webinars & Workshops

  • Member Connections & Referrals

  • Special Events

  • Legislative Advocacy on a state and national level

  • Visibility

  • Support of local non-profits through the RMA Foundation.  Membership dues paid to the Association cover administrative costs for the Foundation. Because the Foundation incurs no expense, 100% of every dollar donated to the Foundation is placed back into the community with our focus on health, handicapped, homelessness, rehabilitation, and abuse issues. By supporting RMA with your membership you are, in effect, making an impact for our citizens needing assistance.


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